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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Getting Started

My Seven Sons Flower tree is just starting the transition to pink.  Most of the white blossoms have fallen off and the bases of the flowers are starting to change.  The little sepals will continue to grow long as they turn bright pink while the seeds form.  It seems a little underwhelming right now....but I was excited to see that at least it's getting started.

I'm including this photo....because I want to share my alternative to a string and a stake to train a branch that was growing straight up.  Paul helped me wedge a piece of a pool noodle in to pull the branch down a bit.  Use what you have and make it work....and it's working.

I've shared this photo several times....but if our tree at the condo comes even close to performing like this one we planted in South's going to be a showstopper.  Right now it seems impossible.

I forgot to add an Angie photo at the end of yesterday's post....that's going to happen from time to time.  

I really bonded with the corn fields three years ago.  I grew up with them....don't get to see them that often as I've lived in cities most of my adult life.  I loved my daily walks along the cornfields.

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