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Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Of All Days

 Coincidence? I think not.

This book came in the mail today...the companion workbook that goes along with Philippa Stanton's book of the same name.  Philippa wrote the first book after teaching an online course I took three years ago called "Consciously Creative" ....a course that literally changed the way I see and interact with the world.

Two of the six weeks of that course I was helping my sister in rural Missouri after a serious injury.  Angie doesn't have have internet at her house which made an online course a little challenging....but in the end just added a memorable and unique dimension to the experience. The daily lessons and assignments were a good distraction for both Angie and me....bringing us both a lot of joy.

Today...of all days...I got this workbook...and I look forward to another Consciously Creative journey as I experiment, explore and create my way through some point.

Also today....of all days....after several weeks of complications from a broken hip and after years of struggling with other serious health issues, my sister Angie made the decision the stop her treatment and start her end of life journey.  She has been ill a long time and she is tired...and she is at peace with her decision.

Angie is amazing.  She is an artist, a collector, and a caregiver.  She is generous and selfless, and sometimes even a bit stubborn.  She sees and embraces the world the way Philippa does....and they are two of my best teachers.

I really struggled whether I wanted to...or even if I should share this very personal story here. I have been distracted lately....consumed with the conversations and details about our concerns for Angie...and completely overwhelmed by the ramifications and reality of her decision.  But the minute I had this book in my hands late this evening I knew I had to write about it. 

Coincidence? I think not. Although my heart is heavy.....there is still joy.  There is always joy.


  1. MaryAnn, I'm very sorry to hear about Angie and her difficult decision. It's good that you and your siblings have each other to rely on.
    Sending good thoughts!

    1. Thank you so much Christine. The Miller sisters are close and know how to hold each other up. I appreciate you reaching out.
