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Thursday, October 1, 2020

Week Three...

 ...of round two of our 4 x 6 exchange is a keeper.  Continuing with the fusing theme for this round I chose to do something very simple...just a 20 minute effort late this afternoon.

I added fusible to the back of pieces of these two circle motif fabrics.

Then I just snipped, layered and ironed....easy peasy.

And I realized all three cards from this round relate to each other in both color scheme and shapes. Coincidence?...I think not. 

Family members are now allowed into the apartments at my mother-in-law's independent living facility. We've had several outside visits this summer....and I could hand things off at the door...but it was so nice being able to carry up groceries and help Margie again with a few things.  And...she had two finished puzzles....and one going for me to check out.  She's never slowed down.

I'm looking forward to doing this one.  

And this 1000 piece National Parks one just barely fit on her board.

The birds are in progress....only the difficult neutrals left.

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