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Friday, October 30, 2020


My sister Angie is amazing. I don't know anyone with a wider variety of skills than she has....from  precision woodworking to house painting, to art, to crafts, to fixing just about anything.  And she is known for her teeny tiny work. 

We came across a tiny little  plastic container of Ziggy images all stacked up....each about the size of a postage stamp.  The box was taped up and it sat for days on her bedside table.  This morning she finally gave me permission to take the tape off and explore.

Ziggy was always one of her favorite characters.  Long ago she found some wrapping paper with several different poses. She meticulously cut them out and made tiny little cards...complete with tiny little handwritten sentiments.  They're absolutely adorable.  I read them all to her....and my heart just melted. I think hers did too. She's still thinking about what to do with them but I told her it would be fun to spread around....hint hint! She teased me when I started taking photos saying that meant I didn't need any. I told her she was wrong.  Time will tell whether one is coming home with me....she likes to keep us guessing.


...though you travel the world over to find the beautiful, you must carry it with you...or you find it not.

This is me....

....a wonderful thought of you just passed through my mind and I couldn't contain myself!!!


and love and joy....may they all be yours today.!

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