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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Becky's Snippets

Every time Paul and I drive to Maine we fill the car.  We make the big move in just a couple of months....and in the meantime we're slowly bringing all the small stuff to Portland.  So when I'm in Lexington I'm busy sorting, purging, and packing....and every once in a while I find something that makes me pause.

This little album was given to me years and years ago by my oldest sister Becky, who in many ways was a second mom to me.  Our mom was usually busy doing mom things like cooking and laundry and everything that goes along with raising 9 kids on a farm. So Becky is who I went to when I needed something...when mom was busy.  

Becky passed away 7 years ago from breast cancer....and I miss her.
Becky visited Maine just a few month before she died....she wasn't so sure about lobster.

Becky was a collector....and she used her creative energy displaying her collections in her home and yard which included lots of ladybugs.  She wasn't necessarily all that crafty....but she loved crafty things. And like Angie and me, she also collected quotes and snippets from magazines.....and she placed a bunch of them in this little photo album for one of my birthdays.  I'm so glad to have discovered it again.

"If we expect to enjoy our life, we will have to learn to be joyful in all of it."  Laura Ingalls Wilder

I sat there and read every page.  I got a little emotional because I miss her....and because she and I...and Angie... share the love of quotes and snippets.....and that brings me joy.

This particular quote is just perfect: "It's a simple formula: do your best and somebody will like it." Becky always did her best....and we all liked loved it!

Becky's style was often a little the best possible way. So I love the way these little snippets are just loosely placed in the sleeves of this's so "Becky"....making it all the more special.  

Maybe some of them will show up in a collage or a card someday....but for now they're staying right here in this little album.

"There cannot be day without night, joy without sorrow 
nor spring without winter. "

Thanks Becky!

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