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Friday, November 20, 2020


Becky sent me this image's just what I needed to hear.  I don't seem to have a lot of time for art these days....but the other stuff is important too.

Today I made room in the garage for all the patio and garden stuff and there's even room for the stuff that will be moved here from Lexington soon. I put together a basket of sticks and greens for the front of the condo and I worked quite a while on a couple of photo slideshows of my sister Angie. And I made a little progress on a few projects for the condo association board.  

So I was a maker today...even though it wasn't art.

And this little guy was a maker too...he was making a mess...and having a feast. At one point half his body was inside the pumpkin....and it was fun to watch. 
Yes...the world needs makers.

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