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Saturday, November 14, 2020

Rolling With It

This has been a strange week.....and I'm just rolling with it.  I've had my covid test but still don't have results so Paul and I have stayed apart. Tomorrow morning we will pass each other on the highway as he comes back to Lexington for work and I'll go to Maine.  I'm almost certain that I'm fine but we just want to be sure.  I'll have the results on Monday so I'll stay quiet and quarantined....and that's OK.  I will be nice to be in's been a month since I've been there.  Then it will be nice to be with Paul again....we are always better together.

I've been going through some of my own old photos and came across this one of the six sisters from 2008. Angie and I are in the back and Marilyn, LaVonn, Becky, and Nancy are in the front. 

LaVonn texted me a photo of her Christmas cactus I wrote about a week or so ago.  I don't think I've ever seen one quite so full.  Certainly something to celebrate...especially because it once belonged to Becky.  We miss her.

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