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Thursday, November 26, 2020

Round 5

Last week was the start of round 5 of our 4 x 6 exchange and I got Becky's card on Monday. I can finally write about it because Brenda has also gotten hers. This delayed sharing is kind of tough for a blogger who celebrates the joy in her day....but we're trying to keep our themes and cards a surprise until everyone gets their cards.  I'm practicing patience.

Becky said she used a vase stamp and punch....I'm guessing they came as a set. She added some doodling with black markers and arranged them on a shelf. Pretty clever....and very striking!  Thanks Becky!

Some of the vases have a little dimension.

I had to smile when Paul came back from a walk in the rain (I opted out) with two more found objects....and as you can see they are trying to find their place into the color wheel.  He actually found the green dinosaur yesterday when we were walking together and I thought I put it in my pocket....but I must have missed and it never made it home.  Today he took the same route and actually found it again....I couldn't believe it.  So it's a twice found object.

Click this link to see how I spent a few minutes this afternoon....
the video quality is a bit off....but it's still kind of fun.

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