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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Do Everything

"Do anything, but let it produce joy."  Walt Whitman.

This was one of those days where I did a little bit of this and that. So instead of "do anything" I did everything....and it all produced joy!

One of the best parts of the day was helping Margie decorate her apartment. She still needs to put the ornaments on the tree....but it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at "The Home" she affectionately calls it!

It's cozy....a perfect setting for the Hallmark movie that was playing.

There was a clear line where a front was moving through and the western sky was spectacular and Paul and I enjoyed an evening stroll.

I've always been in awe of people who create beautiful art journals.  So when two artists I admire recommended the "Sketchbook Challenge" workshop by Laura Kemshall I decided to jump on board.  For the past month Laura has been posting two videos a week that walk you through her journal process with lots of tips and tricks to make your journal your own.  Once you purchase the can work at your own pace and have access to the lessons forever.  I was in. 

I watched the first three videos this past weekend while I was in Lexington....and was chomping at the bit to get started when I got back to the studio.  Choosing the journal was the first step and I had the perfect hand-me-down from Angie.

I don't want to write too much about the process....because you should take the workshop to get that....but I can share my journal as I go along. 

Oddly enough....the first step was ripping out pages leaving just a bit.... I could add some of my own papers...and I have PLENTY to choose from and these additions will just be jumping off places for many the next steps coming up in the process.  I tried not to over think which pages I chose...there is so much more to come. This one was a monoprint reject.

The pages are glued in....and the stitching was optional.  I always choose to stitch.
This added page is my son Nate's artwork.

And these two were from a gift from Lynne where she painted/printed on deli paper.

The page on top was one of my first experiments on deli paper that Lynne also gifted me....and the one underneath is a digital kaleidoscope of one of my floral photographs that I had printed on card stock. 

And this is another mono print that I really love and now has a spot to shine. These are just a few....there are many more page inserts.

I ended up with all these ripped pages that will come in handy in other parts of the book.  Stay tuned for more of this "Sketchbook Challenge."

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