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Monday, December 7, 2020


One of the things that has to happen when you are getting ready for a move is you have to touch your least two or three + times.  E V E R Y  S I N G L E   T H I N G!  Even if you're giving it away or throwing it have to touch it.  I actually believe this is a really good thing....but it's really slowing me down. Everything has a story and/or a memory....and so often I'm melted into a sentimental puddle. 

This is a photograph of my son Sam and his buddy Peter. They're just a few years old and I can still picture them standing at the window watching construction on a second floor addition to our parsonage home in Falmouth, Maine.  Just look at their cute little behinds.  And I'm pretty certain Sam has his thumb in his mouth.  Adorable...right?
But the most heartwarming thing about this photograph is that it's another example of Angie's magical talents.  She mounted the photo on a thin piece of wood and meticulously cut it out....and it most certainly will find a special place when I reinvent the condo.  

Warning......I'm going to rant for a minute.  
I may write about my joy....but for just a minute I have to write about my frustration.

I spent half of the day trying to put together a puzzle regarding some outstanding medical bills for my sister Angie....a way I can help from a distance.  I was on the phone several times with the insurance company....and several times with a patient advocate and others at the medical facility that is just trying to get paid for their services in 2019. My takeaway is that our system of health insurance is tragically broken.  I am appalled at the loophole the insurance company is claiming is the way out of them paying what is due.  

Then the stark contrast to several conversations I had with a patient advocate at the medical facility that provided the service....Amanda is helping me navigate through it and was a delight to work with. This facility cares about their a matter of fact, like the rest of us, she told me they LOVE Angie, and are going to help make it right.

So in the end I guess it's true...there's always joy.

 Wish me I touch E V E R Y  S I N G L E   T H I N G!

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