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Sunday, December 27, 2020

Send the Note

For those of you who've been following along on this blog for a while know that Philippa Stanton, known as 5ftinf has been an important mentor and teacher. Her online Consciously Creative class literally changed the way I experience the world. I stay in touch with her through social media and her art, energy, and zest for life continue to inspire me. 

I have such fond memories of visiting her home in Brighton England with my sister Nancy and having tea at her beloved table where she takes so many of her beautiful photographs.  And I got to photograph it too!

Almost exactly a year ago I posted this photo of a vintage pencil puzzle in progress on Instagram....and Philippa commented "OMG!! This is my DREAM puzzle!!!!" Without hesitation and thanks to Amazon UK.....I had one sent to her home and it arrived just a few days later.  She was so grateful.

Just today....this photo appeared on Philippa's Instagram Stories.  She just recently lost her beloved cat "The Cheeks" and for that reason and for all the ones we all know too well this was a Christmas season to just stay home and be quiet...and the perfect time for her to put together her "dream puzzle." 

The joy of giving it to her came right back to me today when I least expected it.

So send the note, make the call, give the might be exactly what someone needs right now....or a year from now. And I know for sure is that the joy of reaching out...or giving...will bounce right back at you when you least expect it in one way or another.

In addition to the post in Philippa's "Stories" she sent a few extra photos and a personal note thanking me and celebrating how putting this puzzle together reminded her how much she enjoys them and was a good distraction while she is grieving "The Cheeks."

I especially love that this "in progress" photo that is very similar to the one I originally posted. Thanks Philippa! Peace be with you in the New Year!

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