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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Wabi-Sabi Wonderful

There was a fun story waiting for me in a text when I woke up this morning that I just have to share. And since I spent most of the day dealing with issues on the phone a little splash of joy first thing this morning was just what I needed.

On December 23rd Tracie's family celebrates "The Festival of the Radish." It's an annual celebration in Oaxaca, Mexico where they carve root vegetables into Nativity's actually a thing. I checked it out online and this is one of the amazing and unusual carvings I found.  
In honor of the festival Tracie's husband Loon carved radish heads representing all the members of the family. Aren't they wonderful!  You have to love the one of the son-in-law who shaves his head....and the teeny tiny one representing the youngest grandson.  Well done Loon! I do think that the idea of these heads on the sticks is also just a bit creepy.

But the best part of the story is that this is what they look like now....wabi-sabi wonderful!  

As part of their celebration they also made these star gingerbread trees covered with peanut butter and got it...for the birds. Such a clever bunch!

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