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Sunday, January 31, 2021

From The Inside

"What if today you were just grateful for everything." Charlie Brown

There is so much to be grateful for today.  After 34 years of being a pastor....and almost 12 years at Hancock Church, today was Paul's last Sunday.  As of about noon....the Reverend Dr. Paul Shupe is finally retired. 

Our church has been closed to the congregation since last March because of the pandemic, but the ministers have continued to stream the services live from the empty sanctuary...and they never missed a beat. 

I've been watching right along on the Church YouTube channel...and I could work on my puzzle, stitch, or putter in my studio while I watched. Although I've missed sitting in church and seeing people....I've not minded watching from home.

Because it was Paul's last Sunday, I was able to sit in the sanctuary one last time and it was powerful and emotional.  And it was so interesting watch how the "behind the scenes" production happens...from inside the sanctuary.

Portions of the service are sometimes pre recorded and musical clips from past services are interjected into the was always so nice to see familiar faces. The ministers can see what's happening on the monitor helping to get the the timing just right....and it was mind blowing to watch from the inside.

For reasons of safety, the worship staff has divided in half for most Sundays....but today the whole team was there keeping good physical distance.  It was wonderful to have them all together for this last service. the new moderator of the church, my dear friend Joan was there today too making it that much more special.

And the people said...AMEN!

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