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Monday, January 11, 2021

Sunshine and Rainbows

The last of of Adam's 2021 intentions post:  "In 2021 we're looking ahead, we're reflecting as we go, we're checking in, we're being present, we're changing."

At the bottom of this 4th page was this image of a planner Adam sells....and I just love the title. "It's not all sunshine & rainbows (but a good amount of it actually is)"  

Isn't that the truth!

A few days ago I stopped in to see my stained glass quilt all framed at Amy and Lisle's.  They had sent me photos...but it was really nice to see it in person and take a few of my own photos. Sorry for the repeat.....but I'm sharing my sunshine and rainbows.....again.

If you are new to the can read about my process here:

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