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Sunday, January 3, 2021

Top Nine

"Wishing you a heart open enough to stay curious, strong enough to face pain, and brave enough to feel joy."  Brené Brown

I spent the most of the day in the dusty basement and forgotten closets sorting, purging, and packing. Not on the top of my wish list....but most certainly at the top of the must do list. It feels good to be making progress.

So today I'm celebrating my 2020 top nine posts on Instagram.....and it's pretty clear I love color. I have fond feelings about all these projects and captured moments. And it's pretty fitting this wedding photo is in the center.  I had forgotten about the snowman video of slow motion falling snow that I took almost a year can check it out here:

I've not been able to share videos here on the blog for some reason...maybe someday I'll figure it out.  But I can on Instagram so here are a few from this last year:

The slow motion snow in the woods:

And this video of a gift for Paul is kind of fun:

And I'm still quite fond of this one:

A trip down a memory lane on my Instagram page was just what I needed this evening.

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