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Tuesday, February 16, 2021


I felt a little like a deer in headlights today.....often finding myself just standing there staring at all the boxes and bright shiny objects. There was freezing rain all day it was good being tucked inside....and we made a tiny bit of progress.

Then I was greeted by this handsome girl......and 4 after can see a video of them here:   The clear view of the woods is one of my favorite things about living at the condo

Janice sent me a photo of this lovely starfish after reading the post about my mystery.  

Then she followed it up with a little MaryAnn pile....a few little things I've made over the years: a black and white block puzzle, an origami box, and a little box of matches. 

Yesterday a fun package was here waiting for me from Lynne...and I love sharing the special things she makes.

She made this card from confetti scraps of fabric overlayed with tulle.  It's just fabulous!

And her handmade Jacob's ladder is just fabulous....complete with the perfect little quote polka dots: "Small Progress is Still Progress"....perfect for the day.

I haven't played with one of these since my boys were little.....a Jacob's ladder is a pretty clever toy.

Thanks Janice and Lynne...and my deer neighbors for boosting me up today!  

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