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Thursday, February 25, 2021

Have To Do It

A few people contacted me that my blog post didn't go through for those who subscribe by email.  And if it's the only way you read it you might not see this either.  If the problem continues I'll try and figure it out. These technical issues are a challenge for me....but I'll do the best I can.  

The blog can always be accessed right on the site at  It's been a long time since I've missed a day....and it warms my heart that people check to see if I'm OK if there is not a post.

This was one of those "have to do it" kind of days...paperwork, phone calls, address and payment changing....some of the nitty gritty of making a move.  Paul took care of registering the cars and helping his mom get her second vaccine....Yay!  The very best things about these kinds of days is some of that some of the "have to" work is behind you.

But the sky was bright blue and the afternoon shadows from the woods were long and beautiful...and that's something to celebrate.

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