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Monday, February 8, 2021

"Let The Mystery Be"

"Everybody is a wonderin' what and where they all came from
Everybody is a worryin' 'bout where
They're gonna go when the whole thing's done
But no one knows for certain and so it's all the same to me
I think I'll just let the mystery be."  
The chorus of "Let the Mystery Be" by Iris DeMent

Paul preached a sermon recently about "faith" using Iris' chorus as his inspiration....and it's been rattling around in my head ever since.  It's a good sermon....maybe one of my favorites...and if you have any interest you can link to it here:  But for this post....I'm stealing his title and validating that his, and Iris' message were helpful to me today. 

I spent most the day working in the garage in Lexington....pitching, packing and cleaning....the task I was least looking forward to.  But I came across this glass starfish...and I got a little emotional because it remains a mystery where it came from.....and I was transported.

It...along with a fabulous rock just appeared in my front garden back in 2016 and no one I suspected would take credit. I wrote about it here. The starfish got tucked in the garage every winter.... but would go back to the same spot every spring. And now this beautiful star is all packed and ready to go to Maine. I'm pretty sure I already moved the rock.

Someone actually does know for certain where this precious star came from....but I'm choosing the joy of "letting the mystery be." 

I've also been thinking about Angie all day long....and couldn't help but think about how one day we're here...and the next day we're not.  What was going through her mind these last weeks? What happens next for her? Is there life...and joy after death? When is this going to happen again to someone I love...or me? There's no way to know for sure the answers to any these I guess I'll just have a little faith....and "let the mystery be."

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