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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Mariner's Compass

The first known mariner's compass was used in 1594.

Although there is satisfaction in the chores that I tackled today....there is nothing inspirational or interesting to share about cleaning out the refrigerator and sweeping under the beds.  So I'm especially grateful I took photographs last time I was at the condo of a beautiful work of art from an artist I admire.

Paul and I play cribbage quite often on a beautiful board made by Chris Groves from Hancock Church....I wish I had a photograph for this post.

Then....on Paul's last Sunday he was given a magnificent bowl featuring a mariner's compass....also made by Chris Groves. The bowl was filled with cards and notes and is absolutely gorgeous. We have no idea how it was done....but to repeat the same chorus I recently used....we'll just "let the mystery be."
It's made from walnut, maple, cherry, and bubinga.  
I had to look that last one up....bubinga is a tropical hardwood.

It's an absolute treasure.  And...the refrigerator is clean!  Win win!

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