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Sunday, February 21, 2021

Simple and Clever

Today was the Zoom memorial service for my sister Angie.  Although I would have loved to gather with family and friends in person....Zoom allowed everyone, no matter where they lived, to be there....including family living in England. There is something about these kinds of services that give us closure...and permission to move forward.

I started my day with oatmeal....with a spoon this one of Angie's bowl.  If you have been following the blog you know about these bowls.  If can read the story here:

I wrote that post while at a public library while she was getting dialysis back in 2017.  Angie didn't have internet at her house which made the online class I was taking and keeping up with the blog a challenge. But we did just fine....and now I have 4 of Angie's bowls....and oh so many memories.

As I was going through photos putting together slide shows for the service...I came across this one of Angie and my two boys, Nate and Sam.  We were at her house in Missouri....and she was helping them with something creative or fun.  She was always ready with things for the kids to do and I love the adoring way Sam is looking at her. They knew to pay attention to Angie.

Angie was an artist and a crafter....and oh so talented and clever.  I have dozens of little games and puzzles she's made over the years....all them treasures.

If you look closely in this photo you can see an unusual toy she made for us sitting in front of the's one of my favorites and maybe the most unique of all the things she's made. So simple...and yet so clever.
The two thingamajiggies are on long.....very flexible wire with little wooden barrels at one end and handles at the other that store in a nice little stand. The object of the game is to transfer a marble from one barrel to another as many times as you can.  It's harder than you think....and has been the perfect challenge at parties and celebrations.  I often pull out the "Angie basket" at gatherings.....she loved a good party.  I look forward to the day when I can have one again....and I'll think about Angie.

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