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Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Worse Before It's Better

We had about 6 inches of snow overnight in Portland...and it was a cold blowy morning for a walk.....I didn't last long. Then it snowed, and sleeted all day long....a good day to be working inside.

Sometimes things get worse before they get better.....and that's certainly the case at the condo.  Paul and I have been moving things to Maine for months....putting away the things we could and stashing the rest here and there.  Most of the pieces of furniture that things need to be put into...are still in Lexington. We've moved all the art and most of the decor, almost all of the kitchen stuff, lamps, and all my art supplies....etc etc. 

But then I threw something else into the mix that's making this week....even more crazy. The condo has hardwood except the two downstairs bedrooms.....and it's getting replaced on Thursday.  So today Paul and I moved everything out of both rooms....which includes 3 closets one of which had all the Christmas boxes.....and a lot more. The rest of the condo is buried for a few days.

But this is what retirement looks like this evening.  I guess we didn't move everything....Paul's chair and ottoman are the only things left in this room and in just over a week it will be reimagined....and reinvented.  Although it's a bit daunting thinking about reinventing the whole condo...I'm also looking forward to it. I'm just going to take it one shelf, one wall, one task at a time....joyfully puttering.

And....I couldn't help myself....I had to make a few more stars using papers with metallic accents. I've been mounting them on white card stock... then cutting them out leaving a white edge.  This not only gives them a little frame...but it makes them more sturdy.  

And just for the record...I had one in my pocket all day long. 

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