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Sunday, March 7, 2021


 "Curiosity is the joy of life."

Just up Gibbs Lake Road where I grew up I have distinct memories of checking out the "gully"....a drainage culvert that went under the road. The sights, sounds, and smells were unique....and it was always an adventure. And oftentimes just a little creepy.

I kind of felt like that kid again as I investigated the view from the inside of this drainage pipe right here at Parsons Pond. I hope I never get to old to be curious.

We've got some warm days coming....and it won't be long before the ice starts melting. Spring is just around the corner.

Speaking of spring....I got Brenda's 4 x 6 card yesterday.  This time she made a "looking forward to spring" collage from magazine clippings.  Thanks Brenda....I'm looking forward to it too!

And the last one Brenda sent got lost in the shuffle of the move and I don't think I ever shared it.  Here she collaged "found hearts" on a gelli print background.  

We're on round 10 now. All three of us make one card a week during the three week round....sending 2 and keeping one.  So at the end of this round 90 4x6 art cards will have been created and shared.  That's just gotta' be a good thing! 

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