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Thursday, March 11, 2021

He Was Right

Paul interviewed for his first job various places in New England back in 1987.  He had some extra time before his interview in Falmouth, Maine...and found his way to Crescent Beach in Cape Elizabeth.  He thought right then and there that Maine would be a great place to live. He was right. Crescent beach is less than 30 minutes from the condo.

We took advantage of the warmer temperature and took a little field trip to Crescent Beach this morning.....and I'm taking you along.

I was pretty excited to stumble on these rock cairns....pretty impressive balancing....
and I do wonder how long they've been standing.

There were places with lots of beautiful stones....and plenty of beautiful sandy beach.  The best of both worlds. 

Paul had fun with the long strings of seaweed. It's a good day when you get to go to the beach. You can see a few short videos in my Instagram post:

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