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Friday, March 5, 2021

Seeing Something New

Kathy commented on yesterday's post that she saw a squirrel in the one of the ice sculptures.  I hadn't noticed....but when I looked again there is was...clear as day. Even the ears were perfect!  I did see a 💙....but now I can see that it's also the squirrel's bushy tail. Sharing our stories and connecting with each other can help us see something new.  Thank you Kathy!

Speaking of connecting.....I also got a delightful email from a new blog reader....Cheryl from Hancock, Maine.  She grew up near Boston and has found her home in Maine so recognized our two state connection.....and it made me smile. Thanks Cheryl! Welcome to Joyful Puttering!

I'm still babying my wrist....but I tried a quick experiment that's been on my mind for months.  Watercolor can pretty much be one handed.
I've seen artists use watercolors with stencils getting very interesting results.  I've collected quite a few that I use with acrylic paints for printing on my gelli plate....but this was my first try with watercolor....and I will say I was quite tickled with the result. I didn't use very good paper....and I didn't even think about it much....I just blobbed in some paint. It was just an experiment after all. 

It's impossible to get a good clean lines because the watercolor bleeds beneath the stencil....but that's kind of the point making it loose and organic.  I heard someone say once that in watercolor it's almost as important what you don't what you do. One of the things that's difficult for me while painting is leaving white spaces....but the stencil did it for me.  I'm looking forward to playing around with this more.


  1. What a great idea! I have used watercolors for other projects but not my stencils. I also have a hard time with white space and will have to try this. May help to overcome this difficulty. Thanks for an out of the box idea!

    1. Out of the box for me too! Nice to know there's other out there who struggle with the same things I do. Thanks Cheryl! Would love to see some of your experiments.
