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Saturday, March 27, 2021


"I do not know where tomorrow will lead...but I do know I am free to give my all with audacious hope for what could be."  Morgan Harper Nichols.

Without cutting our pieces our weekend assignment for the "From Sketchbook to Wall" class is to play with our painted fabrics under a viewfinder looking for compositions and color stories. A viewfinder (just a piece of matte board) was a game changer. I really enjoyed this process and I'm looking forward to the next step. And I'm absolutely in love with the grain sack cloth I excavated.

I deconstructed an old stained dollie...and I accidently tore the lace as I was pulling it off. I loved how it looked so I tore it all up into chunks and painted a few pieces I'm thinking it may have a use in my piece.....?
This is the linen part of the doily....the edge still has the hand stitching line from the lace. I have a whole new appreciation of how you can repurpose old textiles.


  1. There is a shop not far from me called Artisic Artifacts. The owner dyes vintage textiles and sells in "inspiration bundles". They are so cool. I have purchased them in the past, but I have never used anything in them. They are neat eye candy. :-) Search for 'inspiration bundles'

    1. Love this whole idea of preparing textiles and bundles to sell. I think I'm better at making them...than doing anything with them. Someday!
