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Sunday, April 18, 2021

Email Subscribers

I'm writing this as a second blog post today....because there is not a lot of joy in things like this for me.

Last June Blogspot changed their format....and I was a little worried I would have trouble.  But I adapted...and some of the changes have actually made things easier.  

But I was so disappointed when this notice appeared at the top of my blog a few days ago because I know it directly affects those of you who subscribe to....and read my blog by email. 

Starting in July, Feedburner, the service that provides the "subscribe by email," will no longer be available. I'm guessing/hoping there will be another option for subscribing....and the more important question is can I figure it out. I really don't enjoy this type of thing AT ALL.....but I'll start exploring what the options are. Change is coming.

One of the things that occurred to me is that some of you who are getting these daily emails may be ready for a change anyway.....and this may be your chance for freedom!  More information to come.  

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