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Thursday, April 1, 2021

In the Woods

I raked some of the leaves away along the rock wall in the woods looking for some of my early spring woodland flowers and I found some some of the snowdrops I moved from Lexington. Needless to say I was pretty excited! Being forgetful so I can surprise myself is one of the advantages of getting older.  

Our homework today was to anchor all our pieces with a somewhat decorative kind of way. Tansy showed us several different ways to use machine and hand stitching to connect the pieces and create cohesion.  I spent quite a bit of time at the sewing machine today...and will do a little hand stitching this evening.  This has certainly been an interesting journey....I think there's just one lesson left.

I'm not sure this is the best one on top....but it's the one with the little image of the snowdrop there in the middle.  You might have to zoom in to see it. Kind of fitting that I found this new patch just today....right there in the woods.  

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