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Friday, April 23, 2021


 "How do we find beautify in a broken world?  By creating beauty in the world we find." Terry Tempest Williams

We may still need hats and mittens for our morning walk...but the buds on the trees are finally beginning to pop here in Portland.

We've been waiting patiently for this!

Late last evening I did some leaf printing on my gelli plate with some of my pressed leaves.....and this is what the leaves looked like this morning. They look better than my actual prints.

Layering is the key....then it's just trial and error. Here's a couple that were fairly successful....several others need another layer or two more.

This one for example....needs a little something else.....maybe another layer with a greenish blue....or maybe even white.  hmmmm

But the fun thing about this one is for one of the layers I used a palm branch that was pressed in one my scrapbooks from the 70's.  It held up pretty well....and I used it in several prints and it still is holding together.  I'm looking forward to leaves on the trees....and I had fun playing with leaves in my studio. I'm grateful for leaves.  

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