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Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Let It Go?

I've started going through some boxes of memorabilia that have been closed up and stored for years and years. Does it makes sense to keep saving and storing it...or just some of it? Or if I look through it now...should I just let most it go?

I did come across this photo of Becky and me.  We were best friends growing up...and our friendship has endured.  This is a keeper.

There are yearbooks and diplomas, an autograph book from elementary school, papers I wrote from grade school all the way through college, report cards, scrapbooks filled with birthday cards, tickets and flyers from places I've visited, our wedding guestbook and on and on and on.

I'm leaning towards looking though it...having a moment....then letting most of it go. And maybe using some of it for collaging or gelli plate printing.  Seriously....what do you do with this kind of stuff?  I really want to know!

This comment on my second grade report card made me chuckle....some things never change.


  1. I LOVE that picture, MaryAnn! Definitely a keeper, like you said. When I come across mementoes like you mention, I always love to look/read/enjoy them. But then I hit a wall where there's too much. So I cull - just like you mentioned - until the next time I revisit my treasures. Things I can't get rid of end up in an old GI Joe box (I have NO IDEA where that came from!) and I know where I can find my precious stuff.

    1. Thanks Joan....all good advice. I love that your treasures live in a GI Joe box. It's time to toss!
