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Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Totally Cool!

This quote came across my screen this morning and I laughed out loud....the timing was perfect.

"When people ask me how I got to be so cool, I tell them I get it from my mom.  Just kidding.  No one ever asks me that."  Story People

It's one ever asks me that....but if they did I most certainly would say I got it from my mom.  

It would have been her 95 birthday yesterday.  She was such a great lady.....and so totally cool!

I came across this photo of her in my box of memorabilia.  I actually remember taking it and wondered at the time why she scooched down like that.  I'm still wondering....and it makes me chuckle. But I have no memory of those crazy cool checked pants!

She and my dad had gone on a cruise my dad earned selling seed corn.  The first day they were at sea my mom fell and seriously broke her elbow.  She went the whole cruise with it in a sling while getting some relief from pain meds from the ship doctor. She got her hair cut very short in ship salon so it would be easy to deal with and then just made the best of it.  

When she got home she had to have major surgery to repair the damage from the break which was made worse by the delay in care. She was never able to straighten her arm completely after that and had limited use of that hand. But she never let it slow her down....she never complained....and she never regretted anything about that trip. She just made the best of her new normal....she was totally cool like that!  I hope to be more like her.

We spent the evening with our good friends Dana and Anne at their condo overlooking the bay in Portland.  What a delight to be gathering with friends again while watching the sun set over the water.  Totally cool!

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