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Wednesday, April 21, 2021


I love to watch the unfurling of spring! (And I just love that word...unfurl!) I've always been amazed how leaves and flowers emerge from tightly wrapped balls and buds.

Wild ginger is one of my favorite shade loving perennials.  It's a low, slow growing accent plant that stays nice and tidy all season.  The round dark green leaves are a bit shiny....perfect plant tucked along the edges of my shade gardens.

And I love the way it unfurls. When the leaves first emerge they are literally folded in half.

Then they start to unfold and eventually become round mounds.  I've had them for years in most of my gardens...but this is the first time I've really looked closely and their unfurling process.

And look what came in the mail today....I got my journal back from Eliza.  I asked her to decorate the back cover and it seems fitting that she painted it her favorite yellow.  

Here's a little tour of her pages.

I love these two characters....kittycats I believe.

Eliza does love yellow!
I'll have fun with these two circle this time!

And something for my fridge!  Thanks Eliza!  Our art journey continues.

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