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Saturday, May 15, 2021


For some reason yesterday's post got flagged by blogger as breaking the shortly after I posted it last evening they took it down.  Then early this morning after a review they reinstated it.  Go figure....nothing controversial or shady about paper scrap quilts.  So if you follow by you may get two.  I haven't miss a day in a very long time.

Rain lily bloom close behind....and a tiny third coming too.  When it rains it pours....pardon the pun!  

Today I'm playing catch up on the 4 x 6 cards I've gotten from Becky and Brenda in the past few rounds. I'm a little behind in my sharing....but this weekly practice has been a wonderful thing for all of us so worth celebrating!

This actually is a birthday card from Becky....she's been playing with alcohol inks again.....just look at these crazy colors and shapes.

And this is her alcohol ink card from a round 12 in April...and if you look closely you'll find a couple tiny ladybugs. This one is rather exotic.

And I just got this sweet card last week for round 13.

Brenda was inspired by the children's book "In the Tall Tall Grass" for this cute round 12 card. 

And just today I got this one today Brenda called "nest." I had to smile at the long list of ingredients: distress oxide ink, Golden fluid acrylics, markers, brown kraft and packing paper, and gloss medium. So many textures....and so spring.  Thanks ladies! 

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