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Wednesday, May 26, 2021


 by books....and shared experiences.

"The simple key to any creative inspiration lies in consciously taking the time to accurately acknowledge what is around us." Philippa Stanton, Conscious Creativity

I just finished 5ftinf's Book Shelf Puzzle today.  I've taken my time....and loved every slow minute of it. I only had about 20 pieces to put in today....and even did that in two sittings. It was a busy day.

At first this post was going to be about how that last piece didn't fit.  All along this puzzle has had pieces that were close enough that I mixed them up....adding to the challenge.  

I didn't mind at all.....I just had to look closely.....and wearing my glasses generally helped me straighten things out.  It's pretty clear I had one wrong.....when I looked closely. Phillipa reminds us to always look closely.

But this post is really about the books.  All of them have meaning to Philippa....and that made it fun. And two of the books I they have meaning to me too.  

For those of you new to the blog I took Philippa's online Consciously Creative class back in 2017.....and it changed my life. What I learned from her is sprinkled all through this blog. It's all here....and I think about it and apply it every day.

The link to some of the posts are under the label "Consciously Creative" along the side of the blog.
After the class Philippa went on to write the Conscious Creativity Book...and she acknowledged us students that were in that first class. This last fall she released the companion workbook and I got mine just as I was heading to be with my sister Angie.  My life since has been in transition with Angie's death, the move, and settling in. So the workbook is on hold....and the day will come when it's the right time to work play my way through it.

I visited Phillippa in England with my sister Nancy in 2019 and she signed my book.  I can get pretty emotional even just thinking about it all.  It's such a layered story....the class...which involved my sister Angie....the trip and the way I have woven it all into my life.

And now I buy Philippa's support her art and celebrate our connection.  And they all are of beautiful and colorful things she photographs on "The Table."  And the things on her table are now on my table.'s Vintage Tins


  1. I love your blog postings and have gone back to read earlier posts as I only found your blog about a year ago. You combine so many of my loves - bright colors, nature, art, Maine, and jigsaw puzzles. I have gone to the site to buy a puzzle but the one I wanted - threads - was sold out. I love quilts, too.

    1. I am so pleased that we share some of same loves! That makes me happy! And just so you know....although Philippa's puzzles are very reasonable for an art puzzle....the shipping is pretty costly so I have to limit them to just once in a while.
