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Sunday, May 30, 2021

Lupine Season

I had no idea when I wrote yesterday's post that I would be surrounded by lupine today. I headed to the Eastern Promenade of Portland this morning before the rain settled in thanks to a tip from Paul....and I loved every minute as I walked the mowed paths along the hillside. 

 "All that summer Miss Rumphius, her pockets full of seeds, wandered over fields and headlands, sowing lupines. She scattered seeds along the highways and down the country lanes. She flung handfuls of them around the schoolhouse and back of the church.

The next spring there were lupines everywhere.  Fields and hillsides were covered with blue and purple and rose-colored flowers." 

Barbara Cooney, Miss Rumphius

I discovered this hillside overlooking the Portland skyline last year after seeing a photo on Eric Storm's Instagram page..and I will return again and again. Probably again next week on a sunny day....and scope out some other lupin spots.  There's just something about lupine season.

Washington Ave is at the base of the hill and Back Cove just beyond that. It's a beautiful spot for a lupine field and I'm lucky it's just a few minutes from home.

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