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Saturday, May 1, 2021

Puzzle Delight

This colors and textures of this puzzle are an absolute delight. I loved every minute of it.

And my new "shelfie" puzzle is going to be a quick one being only 300 pieces.  I'm only letting myself do one shelf a it's lasts a few days.  This was yesterday.....

And this was today....the bottom shelf will have to wait until tomorrow.  

And I couldn't be more delighted with a couple of puzzles that came in the mail all the way from England from 5ftinf.  Philippa chooses all the items carefully and there are stories that go along with each of them that she shares on Instagram.  And I have my own connections with certain will really enjoy putting them together. And I like to support her art. Philipp's "Bookshelf" puzzle coordinates nicely with my current "Shelfie" one.  

I love her vintage tins and they remind me of tins that Angie collected. Most of these had things inside which Phillipa shared.....and they all had a story.  Good puzzles just delight me....and I'm delighted I get to share them with Margie!

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