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Thursday, June 24, 2021

Butterfly Weed

Sometime soon I will be tackling my "subscribe by email" issue.  Feedburner, the old tool, is going away at the end of the month and I will be switching over to "Mailchimp."  My niece Clarke is going to try and help me from a we'll see how it goes.  Those of you who subscribe by email, please be patient with me...this is not my strength. 

I was quite taken with the butterfly weed plant (I had to look it up) I saw on our walk this morning.  I've probably seen it before....but if I have....I was seeing it again for the first time today.

Anything that bursts out of a tiny little bead-like buds captures my heart.

The variation of the colors and markings on the buds are amazing and I'll be watching it over the next few weeks.  It's clear that the buds start a pale yellow and gradually darken changing to orange and finally a blaze orange bloom.

One of the hand projects I took to the lake was my little wool coil project I've posted about a few times.  I hadn't worked in it a long time and was reminded how satisfying it was to roll these little coils of color. The rug hooking wool is from my dear friend Connie....making it extra special.

Pretty scrumptious don't you think!

1 comment:

  1. You might want to try as a few other blogs which I subscribe to have successfully switched over.
