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Thursday, June 17, 2021

Find Joy

This post from Andrea is the perfect segue into my "found joy" for today.  It's always good advice to "find joy.....and then share it."

My neighbor Patty and I share the love of plants and this morning I got a tour of her gardens. They are all beautiful....but then she took me around back and showed me a special little spot in the woods.  I was smitten.

Like many of us in the condo complex....Patty and Reed's backyard looks out into the woods. They are at the end of the cul-de-sac and are starting to turn their backyard...and woods....into a outdoor sanctuary.  

When she pointed me toward the woods at first I didn't see you?

Inspired by this arch formed by a couple of tree limbs falling just right, Patty and Reed set up a little woodland bistro. It's yet to be named....and I have a feeling that that magical things will be added over time. I likened it to a fairy house....but for big people. I'll keep you posted.

Did I say I was smitten?

Patty and Reed have a berm...or a bank at the base of the woods that slopes into their yard. Along the top is a collection of bells from Arcosanti, an experimental town near Phoenix working to blend the concept of architecture and ecology. The bells are a perfect transition into the woods....and the town project was fascinating to read about:

The berm is going to be a challenge to plan and plant....but has the potential to be interesting and unique.  And Patty and Reeds backyard sanctuary will most certainly be a place to find...and share joy.

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