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Wednesday, June 2, 2021


Paul has been exploring areas in and around Portland on his new e-bike....and finding new spots for us to walk.  Sometimes it's urban neighborhoods....and this morning it was part of Portland Trails.

This Forest City Trail is behind Portland Arts and Technology High School just a few miles away. There were lovely meadows and some wooded areas in the loop we walked.

The meadows were filled with wildflowers....including big patches of purple and I had to get closer to see what they were.

I was surprised to find that they were large patches of Siberian Iris scattered here and there. Not what I expected....but they were just beautiful.  Our timing was impeccable....because they were at their peak.

There was an unexpected tractor tire suspended in the interesting art element. A round shape in a vertical landscape is quite striking.

There was a meadow with a circle of wren houses....probably made by students at the high school.  

The sun made the meadows just was stunning.

Both Paul and I agree there is something delightful about a meadow.

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