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Monday, June 7, 2021

Round 14

"Optimism won't change the situation. But optimism will change how the situation feels." found here

My friend Sandy learned through her "Picture This" app that what I was calling "catchfly" is actually "Ragged-Robin."  And....after looking it up and reading more about it I'm certain she's right.

Thanks Sandy!

Round 14 of our 4 x 6 exchange is under our belt....and here are the stats: 14 rounds x three weeks in each round means we've been doing this for 42 weeks. It also means each of us have made 42 cards and that's 126 little art cards in the world. That's got to be a good thing thing!  

Here are the round 14 cards I got from Brenda and Becky.

Brenda painted sweet little shells on one of her gelli prints.
And Becky created a sticker extravaganza! 

There's nothing but stickers and washi tape.....and it's two sided...and it's awesome!

My inspiration for round 14 came from my recent thumbnail sketching class.....and doing Becky's card is what got me started with my evening painting routine.

The colors in her card were inspired by a photo of her plant pots I took a few summers ago when I last visited last.  I was just going for the color scheme....and didn't really think about shapes.  I wish I would have.  

Becky is a master at putting pots together.

I wish I would have developed it a bit more....instead I just accentuated some of the lines in the watercolor and turned them into little mini swatch designs.....but I do think it gives a nod to her plant colors.

I'm quite fond of my gold paint pen.....I do like a little glitz once in while.

For Brenda's I snuck this fun photo of her cat off her facebook page.  

I went looking for garden photos....but was kind of intrigued this one. This time I tried to use not only the colors....but also some of the shapes like the toe end of the blue slippers and the black and green cords.  I even added some white whiskers.

It's always better in my head but it's just fine.

Since I've been painting simple shapes over and over recently....for this week's keeper card I decided to just paint the colors of the plants and blooms in my garden this spring.....simple and sweet. I have loved everything about this spring.

Round 14

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