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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

A Little Bit of Color

The working title of this post was "A Bit More Creepy".....but you'll see a little later why I had to change it.  My titles generally present themselves after I write the post.....and for me...that is part of the fun.

I have to post these two photos because they follow up so well on my "creepy or cool" post from yesterday.  Sometimes nature gives us things that are just so odd....and so interesting.  At some point I promise to get back to some color.

This mushroom is at the edge of the woods behind my next door neighbor.  What in the world is it covered with?  I'm not even sure "cool" is possible's just plain creepy.

Is it a web?  Is it a fungus on the fungus? Is it a mushroom dressed up as a ghost?

And here's another set of ghost plants in my woods.  I could go with "cool" on these....but still kind of "creepy."
But I picked one....looked closely and inside this white, corpse like plant and found little bit of sunshine.  There you have it....a little bit of color in this post after all!

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