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Monday, July 12, 2021

Abundance Scale

"It's so easy to miss how often the world gives you quiet gorgeous moments and whispers, this is something I thought you would love."  Brian Andreas

That's what this leaf did for me today.

And sometimes interesting topics come from places you least expect.  Paul and I had a Zoom meeting with our Tax Consultant this morning and who knew it would also lead to a discussion about joy.  Debbie works with clients on tax and financial planning....but she also encourages clients to evaluate their lives using an Abundance Scale. She asked Paul and me to think about our time and resources....and where would rate our joy on an Abundance Scale from 1-10.  

I could have used a little more time I was a 9....but we pretty much agreed that Paul was at 10.  

Speaking of joy....Liz and I visited Margie today and there was another colorful 1000 piece puzzle completed on her table.

1 comment:

  1. If anyone would love to talk more about the abundance scale please feel free to reach out to me on my website at Blessings of Abundance, Debbie Bowman CPA
