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Friday, July 2, 2021

Just Getting Started

 Paul got creative today....and roasted garbanzo beans. 

This is how it started.....all washed and ready to season and roast.

And this is how it serving for happy hour. 
They're beautiful....and delicious! Well done Paul!

And this is how my seascape started.....a paper collage on a sturdy substrate....covered with a layer of watered down gesso. I used upholstery fabric as my base. Next I did a very simple watercolor with my basic layout shapes.....most of which will get covered with fabric and fibers. 

I decided on a late day setting sun kind of went with pinks and yellows.  I overlayed the sky with tulle giving it some texture then added some stitching. I like how the collage papers still peak through.

I have a feeling this one will be more of a practice piece....and I'll probably make another one as I learn from my mistakes.  I already know what I would do differently....and I'm just getting started.  That's what a class is for....learning by doing. And Izzy is a good teacher!

First we had to establish a horizon line....and because it's water it needed to be straight. Even a stormy sea is straight in the far distance.  I had a little dip off to the I disguised it with a bit of fuzzy blue fiber.  It kind of looks like a little distant island.....or at least that's what I'm telling myself.  I may add a little more sparkle in the sky....but am going to keep it simple for now. I can always add more later.  It's hard to tell in this photo....but some stitching is in gold metallic thread.

Most of the paper in the sea and the sand will be looks pretty funny right now....I've got a long way to go.

This may be on hold for a few days while I get ready for house guests. I have finally almost uncovered the guest room....nothing like a deadline!

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