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Sunday, July 25, 2021

Little Gems

As I was cleaning up the debris from the storm a few days ago I found this little gem in the backyard.  

I've found them before....but never in my own yard.  It's a delicate little seed pod....and if anyone knows what it's from please let me know.

It was really hard to photograph....but there is an amazing little seed pod within the seed pod.  It kind of looks like a hairy eyeball inside.  

Then Paul came home with this little gem that must have fallen out of a tree during the storm.

I put up a shelf in my hallway a while back where I placing some of my nature collections.  I've not really spent much time arranging it....but the contents are growing.  Some day I'll give it a little more attention....but the nest and the seed pod have been added to the collection.

And speaking of little gems....could I be more excited that I have ONE white rain lily bud!  It's been peeking out for a few days now....and I worried about it in the storm. A few of the slender leaves were broken off...the bud is in tact and changing by the day.  Stay tuned!

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