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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Make It Pink

"If you see a tree as blue, then make it blue."  Paul Gauguin

"If you see the ocean as pink, then make it pink."  MaryAnn Shupe

The days seem to fill up with regular life....but rather than painting in the evenings I've been doing a little stitching trying to make progress on my seascape. I never quite know what I'm going to see in the light of day.....sometimes poor decisions are made after 8:00.

I don't think it's done....and I'm not sure I love it...but it's been fun.  I think I'm going to let this one sit and maybe start another one. I'll also get some feedback from Izzy...and the other students in the class.  

This squiggly yarn ended up being perfect for the surf....I stitched it on with invisible thread.
I used pieces of old lace for the sand and added some torn pieces of metallic ribbon for accents. I also added a few beads and shells to the shore....maybe I'll add more.


  1. I love the fun movement and how the pink sky reflects in the ocean. Your sand interpretation is a wonderful use of texture. Sure glad i got to see this.
