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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Mixing It Up

Janice's grandson Collin loves working with her in the kitchen....and he loves mixers. Any kitchen appliance actually.....but he is especially fond of mixers...and he knows all the parts and blades.  If he can't be mixing actual things he pretends to....and it's adorable.

Collin is generally at Janice's on Wednesdays....and I try and pop in to visit them both as often as I can. And they are usually in the kitchen mixing, grinding, rolling, chopping...or in this case squeezing.

Janice is making Colin a mixer quilt for his bed....of course she is!

The multicolored mixers are fused.....edged....and fabulously fun!  The sashing is multicolored sprinkle fabric....just perfect!
Janice has been auditioning what to use as the little square insets....finally deciding on a rainbow of simple tone on tone fabrics.

That's where I come in.....I just happen to have a variety of tone on tone colors.  I love when I have what my friends need....and I even cut them for her. I'll report back when it's done.  

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