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Saturday, July 10, 2021


I LOVE watching black-eyed Susans unfurl!

The small guest room on the first floor of the condo has been an absolute disaster since we moved in.  It will eventually double as an office so I can get things off the dining room table.....but during the transition it was the dumping ground and staging area.  

Paul's sister Liz gets in late this evening from Colorado for a nice long stretch....and her visit was my motivation to get the room cleaned up. Deadlines are good for me. I have plans for decorating....but that will have to wait.  It's cozy and functional....and that's all it needs to be for now.

I've had the quilt on the wall for a very long time.  I bought it from an Amish woman in Wisconsin and can still remember the whole experience as if it were yesterday. It has hung behind a bed in most of our houses....and now has a new home here.

I still need to make a valance to cover the massive roller quilt....but all in due time. Just getting the bed excavated was a major accomplishment. 

Take a good look at this view....because the before photo is a little scary.  

This was actually just a few weeks you can see it's come a long way.  I'm grateful to Liz for being my motivation....and I'm looking forward to her visit. 

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