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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Textured Papers and Rain Lilies

Where does the time go?

It occured to me last night that I didn't have my 4 x 6 card ready to go to Becky this I had to put my creative thinking cap on. Technically I have all week.....but I've been annoyingly on time getting mine out early in the week. At first I thought about using one of my little watercolor paintings....or one of the many works in progress sitting around my studio. But I really wanted to make something I assessed my supplies and found this box of painted papers I made for an online course called "Land and Sky." At one point I was taking too many classes and had lots of life stuff this class got set aside because it's one you can do at your own pace. I did get as far as making a lot of textured papers....and I think I made one collage at the time. 

All the painting was done with acrylic paint on deli paper then creating textures with various splatters, lines, and brushstrokes. There are lots of blues and whites....which you see in the box....but also lots of greens and golds too....all ready for landscapes.

I will certainly revisit the class lessons and share more about it here.....but for now these papers were perfect for Becky's card. And you might have guessed....I channeled a seascape.  I'll share the card in a few days......I just mailed it today.

Speaking of seascapes I did spend some time on my Celtic Seascape class project today...making some unusual choices.  I looked back on all my photos from the Swirls of Color class....and my first  project was kind of a bust....but a good practice run. Thankfully I got into my groove on the second swirl....and I have a feeling that might be the case this time too.  I'll keep plugging away at this's much further along than this photo.  We'll see.
As you know....rain lilies can get me pretty excited.....especially when ones I've given to friends are flourishing! Both Linda and Anita texted me photos today of their FIRST blooms of the season....and both of them have tons of buds coming.  This makes me so happy! 

This is Miss Lily....belonging to Linda.

These beauties belong to Anita....22 buds!

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