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Friday, July 23, 2021

They're Back!

I've been taking a short walk after dinner every day that I can....all part of my new "I'm trying to take care of myself" routine.  

Today I had to move right along because a storm was brewing and I didn't want to miss my window of opportunity.  

The stormy sky did not disappoint.

There were breaks in the clouds like this....I didn't know where to look.

I stayed close to home the last part of the walk....ready to take shelter as soon as I needed to.  First we had a crazy downpour....and then hail.  It was wild! A good reminder that Mother Nature is going to do what she's going to do.
Now...for the post that I was going to write:

The ghost plants are back in the woods....and they're as creepy as ever.  I discovered them for the first time last if you're interested in more inforatmion you can read this post from almost exactly a year ago.

Sometime soon I'm going to write about all the mushrooms!  You know how I love the mushrooms! And with all the rain we've had...they're popping up everywhere!  

After the storm I went out to check on things...and there's not much damage...just some holes in some hosta leaves. But it was strange seeing hail in the garden.  Also kind of cool....literally.


  1. Dean's mom said they’re really plentiful in Michigan and Wisconsin this year - must be all the rain we’ve been getting!

    1. It's been a strange weather summer.I don't remember so many days I've needed to wear a sweatshirt. I've kind of liked it! And I'm so glad I haven't had to water!
