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Tuesday, August 17, 2021


"Today I'm going to give it my some."

I don't know who to give credit to for this quote....but I chuckled when I read it the first time....and I thought of it again today.  It was a full day of a little of this and a little of that...I gave a wide variety of things "some" of my attention and effort. 

Today I'm celebrating a little line-up of leaves my neighbor Patty dropped off on my back patio. She carefully laid them out calling them "early heralds of autumn."  What a delight! Thanks Patty!

I stopped in to see Margie today...and she had another finished puzzle on her board.  

I think I've missed a few....she gets them done pretty fast.  We laughed at ourselves as we talked about puzzle challenges and strategies. One might think we were talking about something important like solving food insecurity or how to guarantee voter rights. But sorting and color strategies are important too!

And here are a few photos from my morning walk down a street with my favorite zinnia garden.  

There's nothing quite like wabi-sabi zinnias....and that season is just getting started.  Consider yourself warned. 

But there are still plenty in their full glory.  There's nothing like the color pops of zinnias.

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