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Sunday, August 8, 2021


I was thrilled to see the rain lily bloom open this morning.....a great greeting to my Sunday.

It took just 2 days in our hot humid weather for the bud to bloom. Not my favorite weather...but the rain lilies like it.

And the good news there's another bud coming right behind this one!

Sundays have become 4 x 6 art card days....and today was no exception.  

It's the keeper week of round 17....and I stuck with my theme and assembled a final ribbon, fabric and fiber card today.

I chose a simple but vibrant palette based on the focal ribbon and fused it all on the interfacing substrate....and stitched on the fibers.  Easy peasey!

The red stripes are actually fused onto the gold fabric.  I found it in my stash and thought is was a nice pattern pop.

You know me and little cutoff scraps....

.....and I actually have all the cutoffs from these cards.  Not really sure they're usable but it doesn't mean I can't admire them for a little while.  

Happy Sunday!  

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